Route Description
National Sports Centre - The race starts from the National Sports Centre at 08.00. The start is on the start line of the track. Do one lap of the track and then leave through the marathon gates. Turn left and proceed around the perimeter roadway. Turn right onto the main road and proceed to the TT Access Road. Proceed along the TT Access Road to the Braddan Hills Estate. Turn right down Braddan School Road to the main Peel road at Braddan Bridge. Turn right and proceed to Braddan Church.
Braddan Church - (1.5 miles: Race leader about 08.15 - times based upon 2012 record times) Do not cross the road here to the church for safety reasons. Remain on the right hand side of the road and continue along the A1 through Union Mills to Glen Vine. Marown Church is on the left on the main road. The A1 between Union Mills and Crosby will be closed to traffic between 08.20 and 09.20. Drivers are advised to drive south from Douglas after the start along the A5 road via Richmond Hill and turn left onto Oatlands Road, although the stopping zone here will be extremely busy and it is better for walkers to use the feed stations provided and not have a car in attendance for as long as possible.
Marown Church - (4 miles: 08.38) Cross the road on the instructions of the marshals only. This is a very busy road and please obey the directions of the race officials. Touch the church door and proceed in the reverse direction on the right hand side of the road. Turn right onto the Glen Darragh Road towards the Braaid cross-roads. The Glen Darragh Road will be one-way for race traffic and cars are permitted to park along the left hand side. At the Braaid mini roundabout go straight ahead on the A26 towards St. Marks. After 400m turn left onto the Cleaynagh Road signposted Newtown. This part of the route is a no stopping zone. Follow this road until it joins the main Douglas to Castletown road. The Cleaghagh Road will be closed for cars. Support drivers are advised to take an alternative route to the Oatlands Road. Turn right and proceed past the former Lancashire Hotel on the right. This is another no stopping zone. Cross the main road with extreme caution and one when instructed to do so by race marshals. Turn left on to the Oatlands road at the next junction. The Oatlands Road will be one-way and race supporters and advised to park on the left hand side. Continue along this road until the junction with Old Castletown Road (A25). Turn right onto the A25 towards Ballasalla. Continue on this road until a junction with Church Road, signposted Santon Church. Turn left and continue down this road to the church on the right.
Santon Church - (11 miles: 09.46) Touch the church gate in single file to facilitate the timekeepers. Retrace your steps to the Old Castletown Road (A25) and turn left. Walk to the Blackboards where the A25 joins the A5. At the junction with the main Douglas to Castletown road (A5) turn left. At the next junction turn right onto the Orrisdale Road (B38). This road will be closed and race support drivers are advised to drive south through Ballasalla and use the Ballabeg Road (A7) for parking. At the next junction turn left onto the St. Marks to Ballasalla Road (A26) and follow this to Ballasalla. This part of the route is a no stopping zone. Turn right onto the Ballabeg Road (A7). This road will be one-way for race traffic. At the Cross Four Ways turn left and continue to Malew Church on the right.
Malew Church - (15 miles: 10.23) Touch the far gate of the church. Retrace your steps and turn left at the Cross Four Ways and head along the A7 towards Ballabeg. Turn right at the “T” junction in Ballabeg towards Port Erin. After approximately 1/4 mile on leaving the village is Arbory Church on the right.
Arbory Church - (17 miles: 10.42) Continue along the main road through Colby towards Port Erin. At the Ballakillowey roundabout turn left onto the A29 towards Port St. Mary. Rushen Church is on the right.
Rushen Church - (19 miles: 11.08) Touch the church gate and retrace your steps to the roundabout. Continue straight across and take the A36 towards Peel. Walk up the mountain road past the Sloc. At the top turn left at the Round Table cross roads onto the A27 towards Dalby. Continue through Dalby to Glen Maye and onto Patrick. In Patrick turn right to Patrick Church on the A30.
Patrick Church - (30 1/2 miles: 13.01) Touch the church gate and retrace your steps to the junction and turn right towards Peel on the A27. Continue into Peel along the Glenfaba Road. At the stop sign proceed straight onto Patrick Street and Market Place. Turn right at the former Peel Castle Hotel onto Douglas Street. Turn left onto Michael Street and along to Atholl Place junction. Proceed straight onto Derby Road to the check in at the Peel Town Hall.
St. German's Church - (32 1/2 miles: 13.17) There is no church check-in at Peel. The check-in is at the Town Hall and this marks the end of the Under 21 men's and Under 21 ladies classes. Walkers continuing past this point should take the second left turn onto Church Street, then right onto Peveril Road and continue along the A3 coast road towards Kirk Michael. At the junction with the TT course turn left into Kirk Michael village. Continue through the village until reaching the church on the left.
Kirk Michael Church - (39 miles: 14.22) Touch the wooden gate and proceed out the village along the A3 towards Ballaugh. After crossing Ballaugh Bridge turn left opposite the Raven pub onto the A10 towards Ballaugh Church and Jurby. Ballaugh Church is on the right approximately 1/4 mile along this road.
Ballaugh Church - (42 miles: 14.52) Continue along the A10 towards Jurby, keeping to the left at the small junction by a grass triangle. Continue past Ballaugh Old Church on the right and bear left at the next junction along the A10 towards Jurby. On the approach to Jurby turn left at the telephone box and take the road signposted Jurby Church Only. Jurby Church is at the end of this road.
Jurby Church - (45 miles: 15.26) Touch the gate and turn down the road to the junction with the A10. Turn left and continue through Jurby leaving the airfield on the right. Take the A10 towards The Lhen and Bride. Turn left at the “Y” junction at the top of the hill leaving the Lhen and remain on the A10 towards Bride. At the stop sign at Smeale turn left and continue on the A10 for Bride. This road is deceptively long!
Bride Church - (52 1/2 miles: 16.43) Bride Church is central to the village. Touch the church gate on the right and proceed up the hill towards Ramsey (A10). At the top of the hill turn right and follow the sign for Andreas (A17). Continue along this road, the Burma Road, until you reach a roundabout. Proceed straight through this and continue into Andreas village. At the “T” junction turn left towards Ramsey along the A9. After approximately 100 metres turn right onto the gravel road leading to Andreas Church. This road is approximately 1/4 mile long and should be walked with care as it is unmade and uneven.
Andreas Church - (55 1/2 miles: 17.16) Touch the church gate and retrace your steps. Turn left onto the main road and continue through the village passing the Grosvenor Hotel on your right. Take the A17 towards Sulby. Continue straight through the crossroads at St. Judes and remain on the A17 until you come to Sulby Bridge. Bear left at the junction and head towards Ramsey along the TT course (A3). Continue along the A3 to Lezayre. You will need to keep a sharp look out for the slip road leading to the church which is 2 miles beyond Sulby Bridge. Turn right onto this slip road and Lezayre Church is on the left.
Lezayre Church - (61 1/2 miles: 18.26) Touch the church gates and continue down the slip road to rejoin the main road (A3) towards Ramsey. Use the footpath along this road as it will be dark and the cars may travel along here at great speed despite the speed limits that will be imposed for the walk. Continue into Ramsey and on reaching Parliament Square turn right. Bear left and go past Raymotors Garage on the left. At the next junction turn left onto the A2 towards Douglas. Continue along Albert Road, Waterloo Road, Stanley Mount West and leave Ramsey on the A2 towards Laxey. Cross the tramlines and continue up the hill. Turn left onto the A15 signposted for Maughold. Cross the tramlines again and continue straight along this road to Maughold village. The church is directly in front of you as you enter the village.
Maughold Church - (67 miles: 19.23) Touch the church gate and bear left along the A15 towards Laxey. Climb the hill towards Ballajora and bear left at the top and take the A12 towards Hibernia. Continue along this road until the junction with the main A2 road at the Hibernia. Turn left and head along the A2 towards Laxey. Continue through Glen Mona and the Dhoon and enter Laxey village. Go through the village and exit up the hill on the A2 towards Baldrine. At the top of the hill go past Fairy Cottage and take the right turn onto Church Road (B12) signposted Creg ny Baa and Lonan Parish Church. After 70 metres turn left along the B12 and continue to Lonan Parish Church.
Lonan Church - (78 1/2 miles: 21.35) Touch the second church gate and retrace your steps back along the B12 to the main road. Turn right onto the A2 to Douglas. Continue through Baldrine village and head towards Onchan. Ignore the turn off signposted Lonan Old Church and continue to Onchan Village on the A2. Opposite the Onchan Library turn left onto Church Road signposted St. Peters Church. This is a one way street for vehicles and supporters are advised not to drive their cars down this road. After 1/4 mile the church is on the right.
Onchan Church - (83 miles: 22.20) Retrace your steps after touching the gate and rejoin the main road, turn left. At the traffic lights turn left onto Royal Avenue. At the top of the glen bear left and follow the road down to Port Jack. Turn right onto the Promenade and walk on the sea side of the promenade to the finish at the War Memorial, opposite the Villa Marina Arcade / Sefton Hotel.
Finish - (85 miles: 22.42)